The Town of Clifton has a number of boards, commissions, and committees to advise the Town Council on a wide range of issues. The use of boards and commissions may provide advantages, such as providing an in-depth examination of issues or a communication channel between elected officials and the community, bringing a broad range of ideas and expertise to public decision-making. Citizen participation is key to the purpose and success of any Town board or committee.
The Town of Clifton is seeking members of the public to serve on the following Boards and Commissions:
• Historic Preservation Commission
• Planning and Zoning Commission
• Board of Adjustments
The Town of Clifton is seeking members of the public to serve on the following Committees:
Please submit a letter of interest to the attention of:
Mayor and Council; PO Box 1415; Clifton, AZ 85533. Or via email to
For questions, call town hall at (928)865-4146
The Planning and Zoning Commission provides recommendations to the Town Council on the General Plan, zoning maps, and other land use actions. Members also make final decisions on use permits and preliminary subdivision plats.
Planning and Zoning Commission
John Freida
Melissa Loya
Walter Mares
Clark Hardcastle
Laura Dorrell
The Board of Adjustment Committee is a sub-committee of the Planning and Zoning Board. The Board of Adjustment (B/A) is established to hear and decide requests for variances, special use permits and other requests. The Board of Adjustments will then submit their recommendation to the Planning and Zoning Commission or Town Council when required to do so.
Board of Adjustment (subcommittee of P&Z)
Sarah Camacho
Joanne Vozza
Melissa Loya
Application to appear before the board of adjustment 082023 (pdf)
DownloadClifton values its historic buildings, sites, structures and objects. Through the Historic Preservation Commission, the town seeks to identify, preserve and protect significant historic and archaeological properties that celebrates the rich history of Clifton.
Historic Preservation Commission
Erin Spears
Walter Mares
Robert Chilicky
Mark Vinson
The Municipal Property Corporation Commission assists the Town in financing, acquiring, constructing and equipping certain real and personal property. It then leases, with an option to purchase, such property and the improvements thereon back to the town.
Municipal Property Corporation Commission
Laura Dorrell
Ray West
Ray Lorenzo
Anthony James
Karen Crump-Frye
Under Arizona Revised Statutes, employers who participate in PSPRS form Local Boards that act as the local administrative bodies to the main, statewide system. There is one Local Board for sworn police employees and one Local Board for sworn fire employees.
Under Arizona Revised Statutes, employers who participate in PSPRS form Local Boards that act as the local administrative bodies to the main, statewide system. There is one Local Board for sworn police employees and one Local Board for sworn fire employees.
The Volunteer Firefighters Pension Board was formed to manage the pension plan for the Volunteer/Reserves that work for the Town of Clifton. The board manages and takes care of the disbursement and annual reporting of the Firefighters Relief and Pension Fund. They have oversight to the Plan Document and they review and update the document as needed with proper approvals through the City Council.
From time to time the Town of Clifton may create advisory committees, formed with very specific tasks in mind. They may meet on as needed basis, annual basis, or until a project or goal is completed.
Roads and Streets Committee
The Roads and Streets Committee makes recommendations to the Clifton Town Council when needed on the maintenance and repair plans for Town Roads and Streets.
Grants and Funding Committee
The Grants and Funding Committee makes recommendations to the Clifton Town Council when needed on projects and or purchases that would qualify for specific grants.
Buildings and Properties Committee
The Buildings and Properties Committee makes recommendations to the Clifton Town Council when needed on the use and/or sale of Town Buildings and Properties.
Rates and Fees Committee
The Rates and Fees Committee makes recommendations to the Clifton Town Council when needed on whether there are necessary increases or additions to the rates and fees schedule charged by the Town of Clifton.
American Rescue Plan Act Committee
Anthony James, Co-Chair
Luis Montoya, Co-Chair
Jon Antonson, Member
Larry Avila, Member
Bryan Boling, Member
The American Rescue Plan Act (ARPA) Committee was formed by the Clifton Town Council when through multiple legislative efforts municipalities around the country received federal funding as a result of the impacts of the COVID-19 pandemic. The Clifton Town Council formed the ARPA Committee to ensure citizen involvement with the decision making for spending of the Town’s ARPA funding.