You will need a Town of Clifton Business License--You are in the right spot!
Regular Business License: Regular Business Licenses are valid for one fiscal year.
(ex: July 1, 2022 thru June 30, 2023) and will need to be renewed annually.
Cost: See Table
Business License Renewals: Renewal notices will be mailed at least 30 days prior to the due date of July 1st. If you have not received your license renewal application, please contact the Clerk's Office.
Peddlers Business License: Businesses classified as peddlers would be those operating within Clifton Town Limits that are mobile or without a set physical location. Peddlers Business Licenses are valid for a 30 (30) day period from the date of purchase and will need to be renewed by the owner at the intervals the business is operated or allowed by nature of the business or other applicable permits.
Cost: Temporary Business License cost $10 for a (30) day period or $100 annually for qualifying peddlers.
o Businesses handling alcohol will need to obtain a Liquor License from the Arizona Department of Liquor Licenses and Control prior to the opening of business.
o Businesses handling food will possibly need to obtain a permit through the Greenlee County Health Department.
o If you plan to sell a product or engage in a service subject to transaction privilege tax, you will need to obtain the State Transaction Privilege Tax (TPT) license from the Arizona Department of Revenue prior to obtaining a Town of Clifton Business License.
Business License Application 4-26-22 (pdf)
DownloadVisit the Arizona Dept. of Revenue to get your Transaction Privilege Tax License.
If you're selling food or drink you will need to contact the Greenlee County Health Department.
If you're serving alcohol better check in with the Arizona Department of Liquor.
If you're just starting out in the business world EAC Small Business Development Center is a great resource.
The Arizona Commerce Authority is another helpful resource for business owners.